Wednesday, June 15, 2022

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Be a Supportive Partner

Posted: 15 Jun 2022 09:00 AM PDT

If you're looking for ways to support your partner, you're probably wondering where to begin. Most people in relationships have similar needs. Your partner probably wants your attention, respect, and encouragement. So, what can you do to show your partner that you're always there for them? We've asked the experts and come up with helpful suggestions that you can immediately use in your relationship.

This article is based on an interview with our relationship expert, Kelli Miller, licensed pyschotherapist and award-winning author.


[Edit]Make time for your partner.

  1. Giving them your time and attention lets them know they're important. People are busier than ever, so it really means something if you create time just for the two of you—not to do chores, run errands, or get something done. Set aside time for the two of you to enjoy each other's company. You'll both feel more emotionally connected as a couple.[1]
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    • Aim for a weekly date night. If nights aren't an option, have lunch or breakfast together at least once a week. The point is to find a time that works.
    • Do activities that you enjoy as a couple. You two might go for a jog, see a movie, do a wine tasting, or swim at the lake for instance.

[Edit]Do thoughtful things for them.

  1. Help your partner without pointing it out to reduce their stress levels. When you do things that support your partner without being obvious, it's called invisible support. The great thing about invisible support is that your partner enjoys your efforts, but doesn't feel obligated to do something in return. Here are some nice things you could do for them:[2]
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    • Get an oil change on their car when you notice it's time.
    • Let your partner pick the restaurant the next time you go out.
    • Save them the last piece of dessert even though you'd like it.
    • Do a task that your partner usually does and complains about.
    • If you have kids together, ask them to make sweet cards for your partner.

[Edit]Have regular check-ins.

  1. Frequent communication shows that you value your connection. It's really easy to get stuck in a routine where you don't have thoughtful or meaningful conversations with one another. Make a point of talking every week, so you're both on the same page. You might talk about how you're both feeling or how life, in general, is going.[3]
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    • For instance, you might say, "Hey, it's been a while since we met up for coffee and just talked," or, "Are you free to have a quick check-in today? I just want to chat about our relationship."

[Edit]Ask what your partner needs.

  1. Learn their needs so you can understand or fulfill them. If you've been with your partner for a while, you might automatically assume that you know what they need or want. Instead of making these assumptions, ask your partner what they need. They'll feel respected and will really appreciate that you cared enough to find out.[4]
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    • For instance, your partner might say, "I just need to be able to vent about my day. I don't expect you to solve my problems—it just helps to have you listen," or, "I need more physical connection. It makes me feel really good when you come over and give me a hug or we hold hands."

[Edit]Practice active listening with your partner.

  1. Put away distractions to let your partner see that you care. Whenever your partner talks to you, give them your full attention. Turn off your phone, face your partner, and make eye contact. Try not to interrupt until their done speaking. These sound simple, but active listening tells your partner that you value what they're telling you.[5]
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    • If you can, have your conversation somewhere quiet, so it's easier to hear what your partner is saying.
    • Refer back to what you talked about to show them that truly care. Wait a few days after your partner shared their needs and ask how things are going.[6] This lets your partner see that you really paid attention and that their needs are important to you.

[Edit]Respect your partner's point of view.

  1. Resist the urge to judge, so your partner knows that you accept them. It's hard to open up to another person! Avoiding criticisms and really trying to understand your S.O.'s point of view will make them feel validated and heard. As you listen, don't think about what you're going to say in response. Just listen and accept what they're telling you.[7]
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    • This is a skill that can take time to develop. If you find yourself interrupting your partner, stop yourself and say something like, "I'm sorry. Please continue."

[Edit]Help each other through challenges.

  1. Remind your partner that you'll get through struggles together. Your partner may feel frustrated or lonely at times. It can help them to let them know that you're there for them no matter what. This is especially true if they're facing challenges—they'll feel supported knowing that they're not going through this alone.[8]
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    • You could say something supportive like, "I know it feels like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders, but you've got me by your side."

[Edit]Balance the workload at home.

  1. Divvy up the responsibilities so your partner doesn't feel overwhelmed. Partners often nag or become resentful when they feel like they're doing most of the work. If you think you could have a more balanced load, try to do more around the home. Ideally, you'll help out without being asked, but you two can sit down and have a conversation about tasks if you want to be on the same page.[9]
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    • You could pick up groceries and make dinner on nights when your partner wants to work out at the gym for instance.

[Edit]Show physical affection.

  1. Strengthen your bond by hugging, kissing, or caressing your partner. Physical touch can go a long way in making someone feel less stressed. Give your partner a gentle back rub, hold their hands, or wrap them in a hug if they've had a tough day. A little affection makes them feel loved.[10]
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    • Try to incorporate physical affection throughout the day—you could touch your partner's shoulder or pat their leg as you talk about your day or sit and watch a movie.

[Edit]Encourage their dreams or goals.

  1. Empower your partner to make them feel fulfilled with their choices. It's hard to be vulnerable or try new things, so if your partner shares their hopes with you, be positive! Point out their strengths and help them feel like their goals are possible.[11]
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    • Your partner will probably feel more confident and in control of their life if they know that you've got their back with anything they want to do.

[Edit]Express gratitude.

  1. Tell your partner what you love and appreciate about them. Esteem support is similar to emotional support. It essentially means that you make your partner feel respected and admired. Give them praise and thank them for being part of your life.[12]
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    • Be clear with your praise. Say something like, "Thanks for doing more around the house so I could have more time for my project," or, "You really made my siblings feel looked after when they visited. Thanks for trying so hard with my family."


How to Stop a Dog from Chewing Its Paws

Posted: 15 Jun 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Chewing and licking paws is normal dog behavior, and there are many reasons why your furry friend may be doing this. They could be bored, anxious, or even fighting allergies (and if it's something more serious, we can help steer you in the right direction). Stopping and redirecting the chewing is a walk in the park as long as you've got the right tips and tricks! We've got everything you need to keep your pup and its paws happy, so keep reading to learn more.

This article is based on an interview with our canine expert and trainer, Indigo Will, owner of K9-INDIGO® Holistic Dog Training LLC™.


[Edit]Start by figuring out why your dog is chewing its paws.

  1. Examine your pup's paws and behavior to find underlying issues. The cause of your pup's licking will help you learn what it needs. Is your dog asking for a little extra attention? Is it itching? Is it simply hungry? Look for these signs:[1]
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    • Boredom: Repeating behavior when alone with no other noticeable trigger.
    • Anxiety: No physical signs, but shows behavioral signs.
    • Allergies: Excessive chewing after coming in contact with something repeatedly.
    • Infection: Inflamed or swollen paw pads.
    • Injury: Scrapes or cuts on paw pads.
    • Parasites: Red, thickened skin or tiny red dots on paw pads.
    • Take your furry friend to the vet if they have a wound, inflamed or discolored skin, or other abnormal symptoms—it's always better to be safe than sorry!

[Edit]Give your dog a chew toy.

  1. This is a great way to redirect your dog's chewing. You can distract your pup with a fun new toy rather than trying to catch it in the chewing act. Not only is this an easy way to redirect your pup's chewing, but it also helps keeps it occupied and entertained—a win-win![2] Follow these tips to find the perfect chew toy for your pup:[3]
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    • Look for toys that are designed for chewing and little supervision.
    • Make sure the toy is soft enough to indent with a fingernail.
    • Pick a toy that's bigger than your pup's throat.
    • Double check the label to see if the toy is safe if swallowed.

[Edit]Toss your dog a chew treat.

  1. Chewing could be a sign of boredom or hunger. You can combat both of these causes by giving your furry friend an edible bone or dental treat to gnaw on. These two snacks will help tide your dog over until the next meal and keep it occupied.[4] Here are some tips for picking out the best chew treat for your dog:[5]
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    • Pick a chew that your pup can't fit in its mouth at once to avoid choking hazards.
    • Choose a chew that can handle vigorous gnawing that's not too soft.
    • Avoid chews with flavorings or coatings that may upset your pup's tummy.
    • Check the label for trusted ingredients as not all bones are digestible.[6]
    • Bully sticks, yak cheese chews, tendon chews, and trachea are great chew treats with minimal risks.

[Edit]Keep your dog busy with a deconstruction box.

  1. If your pup's bored, it may be chewing because it has nothing else to do. Tossing a box full of interesting, destroyable things its way is a great way to liven up any afternoon! Your pup will have to use its curious brain and chomping teeth to find the hidden treats. Make this DIY interactive toy yourself with a cardboard box, scrap paper, and treats by following these easy steps:[7]
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    • Shred a stack of paper into strips and crumble another stack into paper balls.
    • Put a few of your pup's favorite treats in the box.
    • Fill the box with paper strips, paper balls, and toys, burrowing the treats.
    • Keep a watchful eye on your pup while it plays so it doesn't swallow pieces of paper or cardboard.

[Edit]Feed your dog using a puzzle feeder.

  1. Stimulation can be a great distraction for an intelligent pup. Puzzle feeders are a great way to keep your dog occupied, entertained, and happy. These interactive food bowls help keep your dog busy—with food and a puzzle—so it'll be less likely to chew its paws out of boredom.[8]
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    • Find puzzle feeders at your local pet store, online, or you can even make your own.
    • Filling a conduit or PVC pipe with treats or kibble is a creative and cheap way to DIY your own interactive feeder.[9]

[Edit]Play with your dog.

  1. Your pup may be chewing just to amuse itself. Your furry friend will do anything to keep itself occupied if it's bored—even chewing on its own paws! Take time out of your schedule to play with your very best friend each and every day. Maybe that means a game of fetch after lunch, tug-of-war before bed, or a good race around the house during work breaks.[10]
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    • This is especially important if you have a puppy. It's not trying to hurt itself—it just wants to have a bit of fun!

[Edit]Soothe your dog if it's anxious or stressed.

  1. Reducing triggers can do wonders for stopping a chewing habit. On top of biting its paws, notice if your pup is excessively growling, whining, tucking its tail between its legs, or pacing. Take note of what's happening around your pup when it does this behavior, and do your best to eliminate the anxiety source. This will help your pup calm down and stop chewing its paws.[11]
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    • For example, some dogs may be stressed out by loud noises, new people, or a change in environment.
    • Chewing may be a nervous or anxious tick, and removing as many triggers as possible from your furry friend's routine can help it be happier and healthier.
    • You can also try calming treats to help relieve anxiety.[12]
    • Talk to your veterinarian about your dog's behavior. They can help you pinpoint and diagnose stress and anxiety.

[Edit]Rinse your dog's paws if something is irritating them.

  1. Wash allergens away to keep your pup's paws happy and healthy. If you notice your pup gnawing at its paws the second it comes inside after a nice run or roll around in the grass, your pup may be allergic to something outside. Give those paws a thorough rinse with cool, clean water to help combat the itch and keep your dog from chewing.[13]
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    • The same applies to indoor areas. Suppose your pup starts chewing on its paws after laying on a carpet, blanket, or furniture. In that case, it might be allergic to a detergent or cleaner.
    • Contact your veterinarian if you think your dog has an allergy. They'll be able to give you advice on how to treat your dog's particular allergy.

[Edit]Apply a paw balm if your dog's paws are irritated.

  1. Stop your dog from chewing its paws by easing itch and irritation. If your pup has an infection, inflamed paw pads, or even a cut or scrape, it's most likely chewing in an attempt to fix the problem. You can help your furry friend by applying a soothing or medical balm to its paws—just make sure the balm you use doesn't have any toxic ingredients in case they start nibbling again.[14]
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    • Go for balms made of natural ingredients like coconut oil, sunflower oil, and cocoa butter.
    • If your pup has an infection, talk to your veterinarian about the best topical treatments.

[Edit]Invest in a pair of dog booties.

  1. These stylish shoes will keep your pup from chewing its paws. Dog booties are typically used in the winter or summer to protect a dog's paws from harsh weather conditions, but who says they can't be used whenever? The booties work as a protective layer between your pup's teeth and paws, keeping your pup from tearing at its skin and preventing future infections.[15]
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    • If you can't buy a pair of booties right away, no problem! Socks are a great alternative option. Simply put a pair of socks on your pup's front legs, bandaging them at the top if they fall down.[16]

[Edit]Try putting an E-collar on your dog.

  1. If your pup has an infection, keep it away from its paws. An E-collar is a collar with a large dish that wraps around your pup's neck. Vets typically use this collar for dogs recovering from surgery to keep them from licking stitches—and it can work the same way to stop your dog from chewing its paws.[17] Simply keep the collar on until the infection has healed, or for as long as your veterinarian recommends.
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    • You may know the E-collar by its more popular term, "the cone of shame."
    • When choosing an E-collar, always pick one that's longer than your pup's nose. This means that the end of the cone should go past the snout.
    • Soft E-collars are also an option. They're a short, inflatable ring you can place around your pup's neck that's not as big and a bit more comfortable.


How to Clean an Aerogarden

Posted: 14 Jun 2022 05:00 PM PDT

AeroGardens have made the whole process of growing your own herbs, flowers, and vegetables incredibly easy—and cleaning them out is no exception. Whether you have a Harvest, Bounty, or other model of AeroGarden, it's important to thoroughly clean it every time you want to plant a new round of seeds. We'll walk you through how to remove root buildup in your AeroGarden, then explain how to clean the device either with a dishwasher or by hand. Here's our complete guide on how to clean an AeroGarden.


[Edit]Removing Root Buildup

  1. Dismantle the AeroGarden. Start by taking off the top of the AeroGarden, then remove the bowl. If your AeroGarden has other parts that can be disassembled, like a tray that separates into two parts, disassemble these parts as well.[1]
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    • Some models of AeroGarden have a tube in the back that connects the device to its water supply. If yours does, unplug it.[2]
    • Be sure to separate as many components as possible—roots can get everywhere in the device, including between plates and in small crevices.
  2. Clean out any visible roots by hand. If you've been using your AeroGarden for a while, it's likely that there's already quite a lot of root buildup. Pull off any roots you can see by hand, then dispose of them.[3]
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    • If there's grime attached to certain parts of your AeroGarden, like its tray, you may need to scrub it with your fingernail or steel wool.
  3. Clean out the filter. At the bottom of your AeroGarden's bowl, you'll see a square pump and filtration device. To remove it for cleaning, you may need to use a small screwdriver to unscrew it from the rest of the bowl. Pull off any roots that have gotten into the cracks of the filter.[4]
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    • If your filter is worn out and seems like its falling apart, purchase a new one. This will preserve the longevity of your pump.

[Edit]Cleaning Your AeroGarden with a Dishwasher

  1. Put the AeroGarden's tray and bowl on the top rack of the dishwasher. Your bowl's plastic may be damaged by the heating elements of the dishwasher's bottom rack. To prevent your AeroGarden's parts from warping, use the top shelf.[5]
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  2. Use a warm or cold water wash cycle. Using your regular dishwasher detergent, run your dishwasher through a warm or cold cycle. Don't use hot water or a dry heat cycle—this can damage the equipment.[6]
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  3. Reassemble your AeroGarden. After taking the bowl and top out of the dishwasher, put your AeroGarden back together. Reattach the pump if you removed it earlier to clean the filter and place the tray back onto the bowl. You're now ready to start growing a whole new batch of seeds.[7]
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    • If you removed the tube for the water pump, you can now plug it back in.
    • Keep in mind that you'll need to do this deep cleaning process every time you plan on growing new seeds. Otherwise, they may not grow as well as they should.

[Edit]Cleaning Your AeroGarden by Hand

  1. Start with your AeroGarden fully assembled. If you disassembled your Aerogarden to remove the roots by hand, put it back together. Reattach the pump if you removed it earlier to clean the filter, and attach your bowl to the water supply.
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  2. Fill the bowl with water and ¼ cup (60 mL) of bleach. Add enough water to fill close to the entire bowl. This solution will disinfect your bowl and can remove mineral deposits. If you don't have bleach, you can fill the bowl with of distilled white vinegar instead, without needing to add water.[8]
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    • Never mix bleach and vinegar. This can produce a toxic chlorine gas.[9]
  3. Press the plant food button. This will get the pump started and circulate the solution throughout the device.[10]
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  4. Let the solution circulate through the machine for 5 minutes. If your pump stops working midway through, press the plant food button once more to get it running again.[11]
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  5. Empty out the cleaning solution. After 5 minutes, the cleaning solution should have disinfected and cleaned out the bowl. Remove the bowl and dump the solution into your sink.[12]
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  6. Rinse the machine with clean water. After you've cleaned the bowl with the bleach or vinegar solution, refill the bowl with clean water. Press the plant food button on the machine to have this water circulate through the system.[13]
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  7. Empty the bowl. Once you've finished rinsing the machine, dump out the water. You can let the machine air dry or wipe it with a paper towel. It's now ready to host a whole new crop of seeds![14]
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    • If you used bleach instead of vinegar, you may want to rinse the bowl once more in your sink. That way, you can be sure all the bleach is gone.
    • This process should be repeated every time you're growing a new set of seeds. AeroGardens can have a lot of grime and roots build up over time.


How to Split Screen on Chromebook

Posted: 14 Jun 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Do you want to see two windows or tabs side by side on your Chromebook? When you turn on split screen mode, you can easily view two apps, such as Zoom and Chrome, at the same time. We'll show you three easy ways to split the screen on your Chromebook, including quick keyboard shortcuts, as well as tips and tricks for getting the most from your split screen view.


[Edit]Drag and Drop

  1. Open the first site or app you want to display. You can show any two websites or apps in a split-screen view.
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  2. Click and drag the window from the title bar to one side of the screen. As you drag left or right, you'll see a square outline that shows you where the window will go.
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  3. Release your finger from the touchpad or mouse button. When you lift your finger, the window will snap into position.
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  4. Open the next website or app you want to display.
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    • If your first window was a website and you want your second window to be another website, press Ctrl + N to open a new window, and then go to the website you want to view.
    • To open a different app, such as Zoom or Docs, just click the Launcher menu (the circle) at the bottom-left corner of the screen and choose the app from the list.
  5. Click and drag the new window to the opposite side of the screen. The second website or app will snap into place. You now can use the two windows side-by-side!
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[Edit]Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Open the first site or app you want to display. You can split the screen between any two apps or windows.
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  2. Press to move the window to the left side of the screen. The current app or website tab will snap to the left.
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  3. Open the next website or app you want to display.
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    • If your first window was a website and you want your second window to be another website, press Ctrl + N to open a new window, and then go to the website you want to view.
    • To open a different app, such as Zoom or Files, just click the Launcher menu (the circle) at the bottom-left corner of the screen and choose the app from the list.
  4. Press to move the window to the right side of the screen. The two windows now appear side by side on the same screen.
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[Edit]The Maximize Button

  1. Open the first site or app you want to display. You can use any app's Maximize button to show two windows side-by-side.
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  2. Click and hold the Maximize button in the menu bar. This button is the square (or two overlapping squares, depending on the size of the window) in the upper-right corner. You'll see two arrows appear on either side of the button.
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    • Continue holding down the mouse button or trackpad.
  3. Drag to the left. When you lift your finger from the trackpad or mouse button, the window will snap to the left side of the screen.[1]
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  4. Open the next website or app you want to display.
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    • If your first window was a website and you want your second window to be another website, press Ctrl + N to open a new window, and then go to the website you want to view.
    • To open a different app, such as Sheets or Hulu, just click the Launcher menu (the circle) at the bottom-left corner of the screen and choose the app from the list.
  5. Click and hold the new window's Maximize button to display the arrows. Those two directional arrows now appear on this new window. Remember, keep your finger down on the trackpad or mouse button to hold.
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  6. Drag to the right. This snaps the new window to the right side of the screen. You can now easily use these two windows at the same time.
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[Edit]Split Screen Tips and Tricks

  1. Click the Maximize button on either split-screen window to exit split screen mode. This will maximize the current window, moving the other window into the background.
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  2. Press to quickly switch between screens. This is a handy shortcut when you're typing (or copying and pasting) into both windows and need to easily switch between the two.
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  3. Split the screen between two Chrome tabs. If you have two open tab that you want to view side by side, you'll need to move one of the tabs to its own window first. Here's how:
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  4. Resize your split screen windows. Do you want to want one of the two windows on your split screen to be bigger than the other? Here's a trick that lets you do that without covering part of the smaller window:
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    • Hover the mouse cursor over the place where the two screens meet.
    • When the cursor is right over the dividing line, a vertical divider and square will appear.
    • Click and drag the square left to make the right window larger, or right to make the left window larger.
    • The second smaller window will resize automatically so even though it's smaller, you can still see everything on the page.
  5. Move a Chrome tab to another window. If you are viewing two Chrome windows side by side and want to move a tab from the left window to the right (or vice-versa), just click and drag the tab to the opposite window.
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[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Calm a Baby in the Womb

Posted: 14 Jun 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Feeling your baby kick is a wonderful thing—in fact, your baby kicking is a sign that they're healthy and developing normally. But when you lay down to go to sleep, you might notice that your baby kicks more than usual—which isn't the best way to get a great night's sleep yourself. In this article, we'll tell you all the tactics you can use to calm your baby in the womb and feel closer to them at the same time.


[Edit]Rub your belly.

  1. By 26 weeks, your baby will be able to sense your touch. Sit down in a comfortable position and gently rub your belly slowly with both hands. Use soft, circular motions to soothe your baby and calm them down. You can also ask your partner or a loved one to gently rub your belly, as long as you're comfortable with it.[1]
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    • Want to indulge in some relaxation as you calm your baby down? Book a prenatal massage to comfort your baby and soothe your muscles at the same time.

[Edit]Talk to your baby.

  1. As your baby develops, they'll start to react to the sound of your voice. Talk to your baby and tell them how much you love them, or tell them a story about yourself. The more you chat and talk to your baby, the more they'll recognize you and be soothed by the sound of your voice.[2]
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    • You could also read your baby a book or tell them the plot of your favorite TV show. As long as you're talking, your baby will love it.

[Edit]Have your partner talk to your baby.

  1. Your partner can bond with your baby and calm them at the same time. If you have a partner, invite them to talk to your baby and rub your belly to help soothe them. After about 26 weeks, your baby will be able to recognize and react to voices, so they can start learning who their parents are.[3]
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    • You can also have a close friend or a relative talk to your baby and calm them down.

[Edit]Sing to your baby.

  1. A sweet lullaby can help calm your baby down with your voice. Pick your favorite song to sing to your baby, then gently rub your belly as you whisper the words. Don't worry about sounding perfect—the fact that it's your voice will be enough to calm your baby down and help them relax.[4]
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    • Go for a slow, gentle song with a nice rhythm to it to mimic your heart beat and help your baby fall asleep.

[Edit]Play soothing music.

  1. Classical music can help relax your baby in the womb. Try turning on a radio or playing music on your phone near your belly. You might just notice that your baby stops moving around as much when you play their favorite song.[5]
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    • Studies show that babies can even remember songs played for them in the womb! If you notice your baby reacted particularly well to a song in the womb, try playing the same one for them once they're born.
    • You can even use baby bump headphones on your belly so your baby can listen to music on the go.

[Edit]Rock in a rocking chair.

  1. Your rocking motion can help lull your baby back to sleep. Invest in a quality rocking chair, both for after your baby is born and while they're in the womb. When your baby seems restless, sit in the rocking chair and gently rub your belly as you rock back and forth.[6]
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    • Combine this method with singing and talking to your baby to give them a lot of comfort and love.

[Edit]Walk around.

  1. Walking is another great way to gently rock your baby. Stand up and do a few circles around your home, rubbing your belly as you go. You can talk to and sing to your baby as well, just so they hear your voice. Try to do this for about 10 or 15 minutes so your baby has a chance to settle down.[7]
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    • If you notice that your baby often kicks when you lay down to go to sleep, they're probably reacting to your stillness. Since they're used to you getting up and walking around during the day, they may find it hard to sleep while you're lying still.

[Edit]Do some gentle exercise.

  1. Babies tend to move less when you're active. This is likely because of the gentle rocking motions that you're making with your body. If you feel up to it, try doing some yoga or pilates to soothe your baby.[8]
    Calm a Baby in the Womb Step 8.jpg
    • You could also try swimming or cycling. Light exercise like these are usually fine during pregnancy, as long as your doctor gives you the go-ahead![9]

[Edit]Lower your caffeine intake.

  1. Caffeine gives your baby energy, which can make them move more. If you notice that your baby moves around a lot after you have coffee or soda, it's most likely because of the caffeine.[10] Try reducing your intake to see if your baby calms down and moves less.
    Calm a Baby in the Womb Step 10.jpg
    • Most experts recommend limiting your caffeine intake to 200 mg per day while pregnant.[11]

[Edit]Relax and reduce stress.

  1. When you're stressed, your baby can sense it. If you've had a particularly tough day or you're feeling burnt out, do something relaxing to help you decompress. You could soak in a bubble bath, take a nap, get out into nature, or simply lounge around the house. When you feel calm, your baby will be calmer, too.[12]
    Calm a Baby in the Womb Step 9.jpg
    • Long-term stress can affect your health and the health of your baby.[13] If you're finding it tough to relax or wind down, talk to your doctor.


  • If you notice that your baby is kicking when you lay down to sleep, try rolling over onto your side instead. This will help promote blood flow and gets the weight of your uterus off your spine and back muscles.[14]


How to What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet

Posted: 13 Jun 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Few things in life are as devastating as losing a beloved pet. When you know someone going through this tragic experience, how can you offer your support in the best way possible? Don't worry—we've got your back. Read on for plenty of kind, caring ideas that you can include in your next conversation or sympathy card.

This article is based on an interview with our licensed psychologist, Adam Dorsay.


[Edit]"I'm so sorry for your loss."

  1. This simple statement is a great way to show your support. When you say "I'm so sorry for your loss," you're letting the other person know that you're thinking about them during a really tough time. It's a simple but effective way to remind the grieving individual that they're not alone, and that you're there for them.[1]
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 1.jpg
    • "Cam told me about what happened to Bear. I'm so, so sorry for your loss."
    • "Zoe was such a special kitty. I'm so sorry for your loss."
    • "I can't even imagine what you're going through right now. I'm so sorry for your loss, Caleb."
    • Some people worry that "I'm sorry for loss" is a cringey and cliche thing to tell a grieving individual, but this isn't true at all. Grief is an incredibly personal and painful experience, and saying "I'm so sorry for your loss" is a simple but effective way to remind them that they're not alone.

[Edit]"I don't know what to say, but I care about you a lot."

  1. It's totally okay if you don't know what to say during this tough time. Losing a pet is an incredibly heartbreaking experience, and there's nothing you can say that will erase the immense pain and sorrow that the other person is feeling right now. Be honest that you don't know what to say, and let them know you're here for them if they need you.[2]
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 2.jpg
    • "I don't exactly know what to say, but please know that I love and care about you a lot."
    • "I'm not totally sure what to say right now, but I want you to know that I'm here for you."
    • "I don't know what to say, but I'm only a call or text away if you need me."

[Edit]"Deepest sympathies for the passing of dear Sally."

  1. This formal message shows that you're taking their loss seriously. There's absolutely nothing wrong with using a serious, more stoic greeting for the loss of a pet. "Deepest sympathies" and "my condolences" are really powerful ways to show your support both in person and in writing.
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 3.jpg
    • "I'm so sorry to hear about Pancake. Please accept my deepest condolences."
    • "Deepest sympathies for loss of your precious Cocoa."
    • "I was devastated to hear about Archie's passing. You and your family have my deepest sympathies."

[Edit]"You're in my thoughts."

  1. Treat this loss just like you would any other. Saying "you're in my thoughts" reminds the grieving individual that their pain is real and valid, and that they aren't alone in the grieving process.
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 4.jpg
    • "I'm so sorry for your loss, Dani. You and your family are in my thoughts."
    • "I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to Pepper. Please know that you're in my thoughts."
    • "I was devastated to hear about your precious Checkers. You're in my thoughts, Kelsey—sending you much love during this difficult time."

[Edit]"I heard that Jinx had to be put down."

  1. This type of statement gives the other person more room to share their feelings. By directly mentioning the pet's death, you're removing the "elephant in the room" and giving the other person the freedom to share what they're going through.[3] Giving the other person a chance to acknowledge and express their grief is a powerful and important part of the healing process.[4]
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 5.jpg
    • "I heard that Lightning died. I'm so very sorry for your loss."
    • "I heard that Bones had to be put down yesterday. Please know that I'm here if you need to talk."
    • "I'm so sorry to hear that Tangerine died. She truly was a wonderful bird."

[Edit]"Daisy will be dearly missed."

  1. Saying their pet's name out loud adds a personal touch to your message. Saying "I'm so sorry to hear about Harvey" sounds much more personal and supportive than "I'm so sorry to hear about your pet." The grieving individual will really appreciate the care and specificity in your message during such a tough time.
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 6.jpg
    • "I'm so sorry to hear about Penny. She was such a good pig."
    • "I was heartbroken to learn about Cupcake."
    • "I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll never forget all the fun times I had with you and Duncan."

[Edit]"Milo was lucky to have you as a pet parent."

  1. Acknowledge the relationship that the person had with their departed pet. The connection that people have with their pets is very personal; in many ways, it's like being the parent of a furry, feathery, or scaly child. Validating the special relationship someone had with their pet is an important and valuable way to also validate their grief.
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 7.jpg
    • "Dave was the best pet child that you could ever ask for."
    • "You were always such a good pet parent to Oreo."
    • "You were the best parent ever! Chunk was so lucky to have you."

[Edit]"Lola loved you so much."

  1. Let them know that they have nothing to feel guilty about. Some people feel super guilty and remorseful after putting their pet down—they worry that they made the wrong decision, or that their pet is "mad" at them. Sharing how much their pet loved and cherished them can be a comforting reminder that helps soothe those fears.[5]
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 8.jpg
    • "Putting a pet down is an incredibly hard decision. You did what was best for Pickles, and I know he always loved you."
    • "Sandy was in a lot in a pain. You made the right choice, and I know that she loved you until the very end."
    • "Please know that Truffle loved you so much, and wouldn't want you to feel guilty about putting her down."

[Edit]"It's never easy saying goodbye to a best friend."

  1. Acknowledge what an important role their pet played in their life. No pet is "just a dog" or "just a cat"—they're an irreplaceable companion and friend.[6] Putting a clear label on the relationship someone had with their pet is a great way to both acknowledge and validate their grief.
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 9.jpg
    • "I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what a special bond you and Molly had."
    • "My heart breaks for you and your family. I know that Walter was your special buddy."
    • "Wishing you plenty of healing, peace, and comfort as the mourn the loss of a very special friend."

[Edit]"No dog was quite like Buddy. I'll miss him terribly."

  1. Remind them that they're not the only ones hurting during this tough time. Losing a pet can be an incredibly isolating experience as the pet owner feels like they're the only one grieving. Sharing your own sadness about the person's departed pet can be super comforting and validating, and help the other person feel like they aren't alone.
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 10.jpg
    • "Trixie was such a wonderful cat. I'll miss snuggling with her whenever I visit."
    • "I'm so devastated to hear about Sport. It always brightened my day when he ran across the yard to greet me."
    • "I was so sad to hear the news about Angel. She was such a sweet bunny, and I loved watching her hop around the room."

[Edit]"I remember the time I visited you and Max…"

  1. Make them smile with a fun memory of their beloved pet. Sharing fun memories and stories is a touching and wholesome way to pay respects to a dearly departed animal friend. While these uplifting stories won't erase the person's grief, they definitely give them something to smile about during this tough time.[7]
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 11.jpg
    • "Remember when you brought Griffin to the beach and he couldn't find the frisbee?"
    • "I'll never forget the time that Purrsilla walked in front of your webcam during that video call…"
    • "Remember that time we thought Roxie had escaped her cage, but she was really just hiding in the wood shavings? What a clever guinea pig."

[Edit]"I found this picture of Oliver…"

  1. Honor their pet's memory with a pleasant memento. Maybe you found some old pictures in your phone's camera roll, or you found an old snapshot lying around your home. Send over the picture or video as a simple but powerful tribute of person's beloved pet.
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 12.jpg
    • "Was looking through my phone and found this adorable pic of you and Patches."
    • "Found this video of Spud on my computer! Just wanted to send it your way."
    • "Look at this very special picture of a very special puppy."

[Edit]"Please know that I'm here for you."

  1. Offer a shoulder to cry on in case the person wants it. Some people may want to take time to themselves after losing a pet, while others might want to spend some time with other people. Give the grieving individual the power to decide what's best for them by reminding them that they have your support.[8]
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 13.jpg
    • "I totally understand if you want to be alone right now, but please know that I'm here if you need me."
    • "Shoot me a text if you need anything at all. I'm always here for you."
    • "I'm here if you need me, okay? Sending you lots of love."

[Edit]"Take whatever time you need to grieve and heal."

  1. Treat their grieving process the same as you would any other. Losing a pet isn't something that a person gets over in a day, or even a week; in fact, it can take weeks and months before a person truly starts to heal and recover. Remind them that it's okay to take plenty of time to grieve, and that there's no rush for them "get better" and "move on."
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 14.jpg
    • "Honey was a really special lizard, and I know she meant a lot to you. Please take as much time as you need to grieve and heal."
    • "Fred wasn't just a hamster—he was your buddy. Your feelings are so valid, and they deserve to be felt."
    • "Ace was a really important part of your life. Please take whatever time you need to mourn and heal from this incredible loss."

[Edit]"How is your life better for having known your pet?"

  1. Give them an opportunity to reflect on the role that their pet played in their life. Pets often aren't just our friends and soulmates—they also teach us valuable lessons about life.[9] Let your grieving friend or loved one share what exactly their pet meant to them, and why the pet was such a special, irreplaceable part of their life. You might ask them if their pet helped them:
    What to Say when Someone Loses a Pet Step 15.jpg
    • Meet new people[10]
    • Recover from a painful break-up or loss[11]
    • Be more present[12]
    • Have a better mood[13]


  • Make a donation to an animal shelter or pet charity in the name of your friend or loved one's departed pet. They're sure to be touched by your kind gesture![14]
  • Encourage the person to write a eulogy for their pet. This is a great way to express exactly what their pet meant to them, and how grateful they are for having known them.[15]
  • Offer to help your grieving friend or loved one in a specific way. Instead of saying "Let me know if you need anything," offer to bring them food, take them out on a walk, or just spend some time with them.[16]


  • Steer clear of comments like "This is all part of God's plan" or "You can always get another pet." These statements tend to do more harm than good, and can seem hurtful and insensitive to someone who's grieving.[17]


How to Combine Two Columns in Excel

Posted: 13 Jun 2022 09:00 AM PDT

Do you want to merge two columns in Excel without losing data? There are three easy ways to combine columns in your spreadsheet—Flash Fill, the ampersand (&) symbol, and the CONCAT function. Unlike merging cells, these options preserve your data and allow you to separate values with spaces and commas. This wikiHow guide will teach you how to combine columns in Microsoft Excel.


[Edit]Using Flash Fill

  1. Know when to use Flash Fill. Flash Fill is the fastest way to combine the values of two columns (such as columns of separated first and last names). You'll teach Flash Fill how to merge the data by typing the first merged cell yourself (e.g., FirstName LastName). Flash Fill will sense the pattern and fill out the rest of the column.[1]
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 1.jpg
    • The two columns you're combining must be next to each other to use Flash Fill.
    • Don't use Flash Fill if any of the following is true for your data (use the ampersand symbol or the CONCAT function instead):
      • The columns you want to combine aren't consecutive (e.g., combining columns A and F).
      • You want to be able to make changes to the original columns and have those change automatically update in the merged column.
  2. Add a blank column next to the columns you want to combine. In this example, let's say column A contains first names, column B contains last names, and that we want column C to contain first and last names combined. If column C isn't blank right now, right click the C column header and select Insert from the menu.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 2.jpg
  3. Type the full name into the first cell in column C. For example, if A1 contains and B1 contains , type into C1.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 3.jpg
    • Flash Fill can detect all sorts of patterns. For example, if column A contains area codes and column B contains phone numbers, you could type the area code and phone number into column C.
    • You can even separate the contents of the columns with words or symbols, as long as you don't make the pattern too hard for Excel to understand. For example:
      • A1 contains the area code and B1 contains , you could type into column C and Excel should sense the pattern.
  4. Press or . This teaches Flash Fill the pattern.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 4.jpg
  5. Start typing the next combined name into C2. As you type, you'll see that Excel suggest the next combination automatically.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 5.jpg
    • For example, if A2 is and B2 is , Excel will suggest .
  6. Press or . This automatically combines the remaining cells from columns A and B into a single merged column C. You don't even have to drag down a formula—the two columns are now merged into one.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 6.jpg
    • If the column does not fill, press Control + E on the keyboard to activate Flash Fill manually.
    • You can safely delete the original two columns if you'd like. The new column doesn't contain any formulas, so you won't lose the merged data.

[Edit]Using the Ampersand Symbol

  1. Click an empty cell near the columns you want to combine. This should be on the same row as the first row of data in the columns you're combining.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 7.jpg
    • Using the Ampersand & is another easy way to combine two columns. You'll create a simple formula using & symbols into the first cell, and then apply your formula to the rest of the data to merge the whole column.
  2. Type an equals sign into the blank cell. This begins the formula.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 8.jpg
  3. Click the first cell in the first column you want to join. For example, if you're combining columns A and B, click A1. This adds the cell address to your formula.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 9.jpg
  4. Type . Place a single space between the two quotation marks. This tells the formula to add a space between the contents of the two columns.[2]
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 10.jpg
    • For example, if column A contains first names and column B contains last names, the ensures a space between the first and last names in the new column (e.g., "Joe Williams" instead of "JoeWilliams."
  5. Type another . This time, don't add any quotes or spaces.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 11.jpg
  6. Click the first cell in the second column you want to merge. Now you'll have a formula that looks something like this:
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 12.jpg
    • If you'd rather there not be a space between the words in the merged column, the formula would eliminate the " " and the second ampersand like this:
    • You could also place a symbol, word, or phrase inside of the quotes if you want to insert something between the two joined cells.
  7. Press or . You've now merged the contents of the two cells at the top of each column.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 13.jpg
  8. Click and drag the formula down the column. This merges the rest of the two columns.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 14.jpg
    • You can either click the cell and drag its bottom-right corner to the bottom of the columns, or double-click the square at the bottom-right corner of the cell to use autofill.
  9. Convert the merged column into plain text. Because you used a formula to merge the two columns, the new column is just formulas, not text. If you want to delete the original columns and just keep the merged column, you'll need to do this to avoid losing data:
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 15.jpg
    • Select all the combined data you've created. For example, C1:C30.
    • Press Control + C (PC) or Command + C (Mac) to copy it.
    • Right-click the first cell in the column you just copied.
    • Select Paste Special and choose Values.

[Edit]Using the CONCAT Function

  1. Click an empty cell near the columns you want to combine. This should be on the same row as the first row of data in the columns you're combining.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 16.jpg
  2. Type into the blank cell. This begins the CONCAT formula.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 17.jpg
    • If you're using a version of Excel from before 2019, use instead of .[4]
  3. Click the first cell in the first column you want to join. For example, if you're combining columns A and B, click A1. This adds the cell address to your formula, which should now look something like this: .
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 18.jpg
  4. Type . Typing the first comma separates the first cell from , which adds a space between the two values. The second comma prepares you to select the second cell you're merging.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 19.jpg
    • You should now have a formula that looks something like this:
  5. Click the first cell in the second column you want to merge and type a closed parenthesis . Now you'll have a formula that looks something like this: .
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 20.jpg
    • You could also place a symbol, word, or phrase inside of the quotes if you want to insert something between the two joined cells.
    • Alternatively, if you want the merged text to appear without a space (e.g., JoeWilliams instead of Joe Williams), you could change the formula to .
  6. Press or . This creates the formula and joins the two cells at the top of the columns.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 21.jpg
  7. Click and drag the formula down the column. This merges the rest of the two columns.
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 22.jpg
    • You can either click the cell and drag its bottom-right corner to the bottom of the columns, or double-click the square at the bottom-right corner of the cell to use autofill.
  8. Convert the merged column into plain text. Because you used a formula to merge the two columns, the new column is just formulas, not text. If you want to delete the original columns and just keep the merged column, you'll need to do this to avoid losing data:
    Combine Two Columns in Excel Step 23.jpg
    • Select all the combined data you've created. For example, C1:C30.
    • Press Control + C (PC) or Command + C (Mac) to copy it.
    • Right-click the first cell in the column you just copied.
    • Select Paste Special and choose Values.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby

Posted: 13 Jun 2022 01:00 AM PDT

It's pretty exciting when a friend, family member, or colleague becomes a parent, but what should you say? Whether you're writing a card or expressing your good wishes to a new parent in person, you're going to want to have a nice phrase or two in mind. That's where we come in. We've got you covered with the best messages for a new parent, from funny to heartfelt. Read on for our complete guide on how to congratulate someone on their new baby.


[Edit]"Congrats on the new member of the family!"

  1. A simple wish shows that you care. You don't need to be Shakespeare to wish a friend or a family member on an occasion like this—just sending a few words of affection their way can mean a lot. Let them know that you're wishing them the best by saying something like:[1]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 1.jpg
    • "Best wishes for a lifetime of happiness!"
    • "This is such wonderful news!"
    • "Wishing you and the baby all the best things in life."
    • "Congratulations on the baby!"

[Edit]"See you when you have some free time—maybe in 18 years?"

  1. A funny message brings humor into a new parent's life. Having a baby is a fun and exciting thing, so send over a light-hearted message to bring a smile to your friend's face. Try saying something like:[2]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 2.jpg
    • "Your new tax deduction is so cute!"
    • "Congratulations on your latest joint project!"
    • "I hope you're prepared for a busy schedule of posting baby photos on Instagram."
    • "I hope you got some rest before the baby arrived—you'll need it!"

[Edit]"Thrilled to shower you and the baby with love."

  1. For a baby shower, send a message showing how excited you are. A baby shower is an exciting time in a soon-to-be parent's life, and expressing your own excitement can make them feel even more joy. So, send them a positive message, like:[3]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 3.jpg
    • "Can't wait to meet your little munchkin!"
    • "Wishing you an easy pregnancy, an easy birth, and a happy and healthy baby."
    • "You're about to get on life's best rollercoaster ride. Congrats!"
    • "So, so happy for you. I'm wishing you a safe delivery!"

[Edit]"Hope you're ready for the new alarm clock you just made!

  1. Baby showers are also a great time for a funny message. After all, baby showers are often filled with silly games and plenty of laughs, so a message that tickles the soon-to-be parent's funny bone can work really well. Send them something like:[4]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    • Congratulations on your coming bundle of poop! Oops…joy!"
    • "Congrats on the coming arrival of your tiny overlord!"
    • "Hitting the bottle is going to mean something completely different soon!"
    • "A toast to the bun in your oven!"

[Edit]"I couldn't possibly be more proud of you."

  1. A heartfelt message expresses the depth of your relationship. A new baby is a huge moment for any parent, and this is a good chance for you to express what scientists call "sympathetic joy," or genuine happiness at their good fortune. Showing your friend sincerity at this moment in their lives can feel really meaningful. Say something like:[5]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 5.jpg
    • "I've always know you to be a kind, loving, and generous person. Your child is so, so lucky to have you as their parent."
    • "Thank you for being such a blessing in my life. I'm so glad that you've got a blessing of your own now."
    • "I love and care about you so much. I'm happy beyond words."
    • "It's an honor to have you in my life, and I can't wait to be there for you and the baby."

[Edit]"What a cute photo! Congrats!"

  1. If you've learned the news through social media, try out this comment. It can make a new parent feel really special to have their feed fill up with well-wishers, so show them some love. If your friend posts a photo or a text post with the news, you can say something like:
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 6.jpg
    • "Your baby is adorable. Wishing you all the best!"
    • "Well done on creating a mini human! Keep us updated please :)"
    • "So thrilled to see these photos! You all look so happy."

[Edit]"If you need anything, I'm here for you."

  1. An offer of support can mean a lot to new parents. Raising a child is a lot of work, and letting a new parent know that you're here to support them through this chapter can feel very comforting. Say something like:[6]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 7.jpg
    • "They say it takes a village to raise a child, and we're here to help."
    • "You aren't raising this kid alone—we'll make sure they have a wonderful life."
    • "If you ever need someone to make a run to the store for some diapers, you have my number."
    • "Let me know how I can help you as you embark on this new journey!"

[Edit]"Wishing you and the your little bundle of joy all the best."

  1. Try using a message like this for a baby boy. This is a cute message to send to a friend or family member who recently gave birth or adopted a baby. Send your friend a note that says something like:[7]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 8.jpg
    • "I know this little bundle of joy is going to sweep you off your feet."
    • "Congratulations on being blessed with such a sweet little baby."
    • "I know your child will be kind, smart, and generous, just like their parent/mom/dad."
    • "Your baby is an angel—I'm so happy for you!"

[Edit]"So excited to watch your angel grow up!"

  1. If your friend has a baby, send them a wish like this. This is a good gender neutral message to send your friend and let them know how happy you are about their new baby. Say something like:[8]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 9.jpg
    • "I can already guess that your child will be quick-witted and creative, just like their parent/mom/dad."
    • "What a beautiful baby! I'm so happy to be able to know them."
    • "I know you must be thrilled to have such a wonderful child enter your life."
    • "Your child is such a wonderful blessing, and you richly deserve them."

[Edit]"These kids are so lucky to have parents like you!"

  1. If your friend is having twins (or triplets!) send a message like this.{endbold} It's both exciting and maybe a little overwhelming to parent more than one baby at the same time, so your well-wishes might be especially appreciated. Send something like:[9]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 10.jpg
    • "Double the giggles and double the grins, double the trouble if you're blessed with twins!"
    • "Born with [two/three] buddies! How cool! Lots of love to your new family!"
    • "Diapers and bottles times two! Congrats!"
    • "Genes so nice, they made them twice!"

[Edit]"I'm so glad you've all found a home in each other."

  1. Adoption can be a long journey, so congratulate your friend with a kind message. If your friend has become a parent at the end of their adoption journey, it's a great idea to send them a note letting them know that you're happy for them. Say something like:[10]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 11.jpg
    • "It's great to see your dream of being a mom/dad come true. Congrats to your family."
    • "You have so much love to give—your child is really lucky to have you."
    • "We're so happy to see your family grow—congratulations on your adoption."
    • "Warmest wishes for your adoption! We're thrilled to have heard the news."

[Edit]"It was tough getting here, but I know it was worth it."

  1. If your friend had a difficult pregnancy, you want to be supportive. But keep in mind that acknowledging a difficulty pregnancy is something you should only do if you're very close to the new parent, Otherwise, it's best to keep things completely positive, unless you know that your friend would appreciate a mention of their struggles. If so, say something like:[11]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 12.jpg
    • "Wishing you and the baby all the best as you recover."
    • "I love you and I'm here for you as you continue your journey."
    • "I wish you a motherhood that's worth all the struggle that went into it."
    • "So thankful for your baby to be here, and wishing him and you all the best."

[Edit]"Every child begins the world again."

  1. Share a piece of wisdom or quote about parenthood. Plenty of people have written about the wonder that a new child brings into a parent's life, so consider sending over a relatable and touching quote. Your friend might appreciate a message with a quote like:[12]
    Congratulate Someone on Their New Baby Step 13.jpg
    • "There are places in the heart you don't even know exist until you love a child." —Anne Lamott
    • "A new baby is like the beginning of all things—wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities." —Eda LeShan
    • "Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you look out upon a stupendous prospect. For what has happened? A miracle. You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything." —William Macneile Dixon
    • "Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born." —George Bernard Shaw


  • If you want to get your friend a meaningful gift, try purchasing a baby memory book. Memory books aren't just for parents to remember these early days: your friend's child is likely to enjoy looking back on it when they're older as well.[13]
  • Although flowers are always nice, you could also get a baby quilt. Accidents happen, and new parents can never have too many spare quilts for their baby.
  • New parents might not have too much time to cook, so bringing them a few home-cooked meals or a voucher to a food delivery service can also be a really kind gesture.


How to Connect Oculus to TV

Posted: 12 Jun 2022 05:00 PM PDT

Do you have an Oculus Quest and want to share what you see on a TV screen? The Quest and Quest 2 are standalone virtual reality headsets that don't need to be connected to a PC or game console, nor do they require tracking devices. The only problem is other people can't see what you can see inside the headset. Luckily, the Quest and Quest 2 let you cast or mirror your experience to TVs, even if you don't have a smart TV. We'll show you easy ways to connect your Quest and Quest 2 to a TV.


[Edit]Casting to a TV

  1. Make sure both your TV and Quest are connected to the same Wi-Fi. To cast to your TV, both the Quest and your television must be connected to the same wireless network. If you haven't already done so, turn on both your TV and your Quest and use the menu system to connect to the same Wi-Fi network.
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    • This method works for TVs that support casting. If you do not have a smart TV or your TV doesn't support casting, you can use a smart box such as Roku, or Chromecast instead, or you can cast to your phone and mirror your phone screen to your TV.
  2. Turn on the Quest headset and put it on. Press the pill-shaped button on the right side of the Quest headset to turn it on. Then place it over your eyes and pull the straps over the back of your head. Use the Velcro to tighten the straps.
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    • When you first turn on your Quest headset, you will need to set up a guardian. This prevents you from running into obstacles. Follow the instructions in the Quest headset to set up a guardian.
  3. Press the Home button on the controller. It's the flat button on the right controller with an "O" on it. This displays the Home menu at the bottom of your vision.
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  4. Select the Share icon. It's the pink icon with a curved arrow pointing right. It's towards the right side of the Home panel at the bottom of your vision. Point the controller at the Share button and squeeze the trigger to select it. This displays the Share menu.
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  5. Select . It's the first option in the upper-left corner of the Share menu. Your Quest will scan the network for devices it can cast to.
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  6. Select your television or smart box. Once your Quest discovers your television or smart box, point to it and squeeze the trigger to select it. Your Quest will connect to your TV. Then what you see in the Quest will be mirrored on the TV screen.
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[Edit]Screen Mirroring from Mobile to TV

  1. Download the Oculus App for your mobile device. You probably already have the Oculus App installed on your smartphone or tablet, as it's part of the setup process. If you do not currently have the Oculus app, be sure to download it from the App Store on iPhone and iPad, or the Google Play Store on Android devices.
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    • Sign in using the Facebook or Oculus account associated with your Quest or Quest 2.
    • This method is for if your TV does not support casting. If your TV does not support casting but supports Apple AirPlay or Samsung Smart View, you can cast the Quest to the mobile app and then mirror your smartphone to your TV.
  2. Make sure your Quest, mobile phone, and TV are on the same wireless network. For this to work, you will need to make sure that your Quest headset, mobile phone, and TV are all connected to the same Wi-Fi network. If you have not already done so, make sure all three devices are connected to the Wi-Fi network.
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  3. Open the Control Center or Quick Access menu. If you are using an iPhone, swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen to open the Control Center. If you are using a Samsung Galaxy device swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Quick Access menu. Then swipe down on the Quick Access menu to display all Quick Access shortcuts.
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    • If you are using a regular Android device. You can download a Screen Mirror app from the Google Play Store.
  4. Tap or the screen mirror icon. If you are using an [[iPhone, tap the icon that resembles two screens on top of each other. If you are using a Samsung Galaxy device, tap the Smart View icon. It has an icon that resembles a play triangle inside two circular arrows.
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  5. Tap your TV. If your TV supports AirPlay or Smart View, it should be displayed in the list of devices. Tap your TV. You should see your mobile phone screen displayed on your TV.
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  6. Open the Oculus app. It has a black icon with an "O". Tap the Oculus app icon on your Home screen or Apps menu to open the Oculus app. Make sure you have your Quest headset nearby so that it can connect with your headset.
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    • To check if your Quest headset is connected to the mobile app, tap the Devices tab at the bottom of the screen. It should show your device and say Connected in the upper-left corner.
  7. Power on your Quest headset and put it on. Press the pill-shaped button on the right side of the Quest to power it on. Then place it over your eyes and pull the straps over the back of your head. Use the Velcro to tighten the straps.
    Connect Oculus to TV Step 13.jpg
    • When you first turn on your Quest headset, you will need to set up a guardian. This prevents you from running into obstacles. Follow the instructions in the Quest headset to set up a guardian.
  8. Press the Home button on the controller. It's the flat button on the right controller with an "O" on it. This displays the Home menu at the bottom of your vision.
    Connect Oculus to TV Step 14.jpg
  9. Select the Share icon. It's the pink icon with a curved arrow pointing right. It's towards the right side of the Home panel at the bottom of your vision. Point the controller at the Share button and squeeze the trigger to select it. This displays the Share menu.
    Connect Oculus to TV Step 15.jpg
  10. Select . It's the first option in the upper-left corner of the Share menu. Your Quest will scan the network for devices it can cast to.
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  11. Select . This will display what you see inside the Quest headset on your mobile phone through the Oculus app. While mirroring your screen to your TV, the image will be displayed on your TV as well.
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    • Alternatively, you can go to in a web browser on your desktop computer or laptop. Log in to your Oculus account. Then you can select Computer in the Quest Share menu and display your Quest vision on a computer screen.


  • There is going to be a slight time delay between what you see on your Quest headset and what is displayed on your TV. You may want to wear headphones on your Quest headset to prevent getting distracted.

[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Eat Sea Moss

Posted: 12 Jun 2022 09:00 AM PDT

If you're looking to add some extra nutrients to your diet, sea moss can be a great supplement—but what's the best way to eat it? As it turns out, you can enjoy this variety of seaweed by blending it into many of your favorite treats as a gel. In this handy guide, we'll show you all the possible ways you can mix sea moss gel into your diet, whether it's part of your breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even dessert!


[Edit]Prepare or purchase sea moss gel.

  1. The easiest way to eat sea moss is by adding gel to different foods. You'll need dried sea moss, water, and a blender to prepare it yourself. Soak 1/2 cup (100 g) of sea moss in water for 4 hours. Then, rinse the moss off with tap water and boil it in a pot with the lid closed for 10-12 minutes. Then, put the softened moss in a blender and blend until the gel is smooth.[1]
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    • Once made, your gel should last refrigerated for up to 20 days.

[Edit]Eat up to 1-2 tbsp (15-30 mL) daily.

  1. Sea moss has lots of nutrients, but it's unhealthy to overindulge. This is because sea moss also contains iodine, which your body needs to maintain a healthy thyroid. However, too much iodine can damage your thyroid.[2] Therefore, it's best to stick to a day and consult your doctor if you have concerns.
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[Edit]Add sea moss to smoothies.

  1. Sea moss becomes a tasteless (but healthy) ingredient in fruit smoothies. Blend it together with any of your other favorite smoothie ingredients for a quick nutrient boost. It'll pair seamlessly with any smoothie because it has such a neutral flavor on its own. Mix and match smoothie ingredients including (but not limited to) apples, bananas, blueberries, kale, mango, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, or spinach.[3]
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[Edit]Make a tasty sea moss juice.

  1. Stir a tablespoon of gel into your juice of choice. Any kind of juice can be combined with sea moss, from pineapple to orange and even lemonade (either fresh or made from powder). Simply grab a glass, measure out of sea moss gel into the glass, and then pour in the juice. Mix them until the juice and gel are well-blended, add some ice if desired, and enjoy.
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    • If you want to get fancy with your juice concoctions, sea moss and watermelon juice is another popular choice, with a few mint leaves and lime as garnish.

[Edit]Use sea moss in soups and sauces.

  1. Gelatin-like sea moss gel is a fantastic thickening agent. Get creative and add sea moss gel when you're making your favorite sauce, soup, stew, and even curry recipes! Add a couple of tablespoons of sea moss to thicken the soup up and make it more creamy. You can even use the gel in soups to replace regular gelatin (which is made from animal parts) for a healthy vegan gluten-free option.[4]
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    • Add about of gel per of broth when making soup.[5]
    • For sauces, add of gel per of broth (since they tend to be thicker).

[Edit]Craft an Irish moss drink.

  1. This tasty, healthy drink has a fast prep time, and it's also vegan. Blend of sea moss gel, 1 1/4 c (296 mL) of non-dairy milk, 4 pitted dates, 1/2 tsp (2.8 g) each of cinnamon and vanilla extract, and 1/4 tsp (1.4 g) of nutmeg. If the drink is too thick, you can also add more milk until it reaches a consistency you like.[6]
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    • Feel free to sprinkle a little cinnamon on top as garnish, too!

[Edit]Make sea moss jam.

  1. Replace fruit pectin or cornstarch when making jams and jellies. Since sea moss gel is such a great thickener, you can also use it when you're making homemade jam.[7] The use of such thickeners in jam is optional, as it can be made with fruit, sugar, butter, and lemon juice alone, but a proper thickener can help you get a jam-like consistency quicker.
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[Edit]Blend ice cream and sea moss.

  1. Add sea moss gel when you're making any homemade ice cream recipe. You can also make special Irish moss ice cream by combining of the aforementioned Irish moss drink with of heavy whipping cream and sugar in an ice cream maker.[8]
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    • Let the Irish moss ice cream churn for 30 minutes and set it in the freezer for 4-6 hours before serving.
    • This gives you a healthy twist to any ice cream dessert, and you won't be able to taste the seaweed addition at all.

[Edit]Create sea moss jello.

  1. Replace the gelatin ingredient with sea moss gel. For sea moss jello, you'll have to make the jello from scratch rather than from a box. However, it's easy to incorporate sea moss into jello. Look at the recipe you're using to see how much gelatin it calls for, and replace the gelatin with sea moss gel instead.[9]
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    • You can also whip up pudding with sea moss gel. As a thickening agent, it can replace the cornstarch that is typically used in puddings.

[Edit]Brew a sea moss tea.

  1. You can make a basic tea from the gel or add other herbs too. The basic tea is easy: just bring your water to boil in a pot, and then stir sea moss gel into the pot—1 part gel to every 4 parts water. From there, you can add in any other spices that you like in your tea, and drink it.[10]
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    • For example, you can steep a teabag of your favorite herbal mix in the sea moss tea. Popular herbs include hibiscus, lemon balm, ginger, rooibos, mint, and chamomile.

[Edit]Sprinkle sea moss powder into drinks instead.

  1. Dry powder can be an alternative to gel if desired. Sea moss powder is easily purchased online (on Amazon and other retailers, for example) for a quick alternative to sea moss gel. You can also purchase whole dried sea moss and blend it into your smoothies and beverages.
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    • Sea moss powder is also available as pill supplements, which you can swallow rather than mixing the moss into your food.[11]


How to Install Landscape Fabric Under Rocks

Posted: 12 Jun 2022 01:00 AM PDT

Landscape fabric is a great way to prevent weeds from growing up around your rock garden and keep it looking neat. Installing the fabric under rocks and over plants may seem like a tough chore to tackle all by yourself, but by the end of this guide, you'll discover that it's highly doable! With just a few tools and a little know-how, you can design the perfect garden, yard, or pathway. Keep reading, and we'll show you how to install landscape fabric under rocks easily with no fuss.


[Edit]Preparing the Area

  1. Measure the landscape you'll be covering in fabric. Grab a tape measure and write down the exact measurements of the area to refer to them as you gather supplies.[1] You'll need to know how much fabric you should cut for the job and how many garden staples you'll need to secure the fabric later.
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    • Keep in mind that you need enough fabric to cover the entire area, plus a little extra to make sure the edges of the space are covered. A garden only needs 1 layer of landscape fabric at a time.
  2. Weed the area thoroughly. You can pull the weeds up by hand or use a hoe, trowel, or shovel to remove them by their roots, so they won't grow back. Loosen the soil where the weed's stem meets the soil until you can see its main root; then, grasp the root with your hand or a weeding tool and pull it up. Alternatively, hoe weeds by cutting them off with a sweeping motion of the hoe just below the soil's surface.[2]
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    • Since landscape fabric is designed to stop weeds from growing in your garden, it's important to first remove the existing weeds to ensure no more can grow.[3]
    • If you have a lot of weeds to deal with, consider spraying them with a nonselective herbicide. Be careful and only spray the herbicide when there's low wind, as it can kill other plants, too.[4]
  3. Rake the soil to clear any rocks, bark, sticks, or other debris. Any sharp objects sticking out of the soil can damage the landscape fabric, eventually leaving holes. Clear away all debris to ensure that the fabric lasts as long as possible. Do this using a steel garden rake (alternatively called a bow rake), and throw away the debris that you unearth.[5]
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    • Doing this will make your landscape fabric last longer and look even once laid down and covered in rocks.
  4. Level out the surface soil with your rake until it's flat. Scrape away any hills in the soil and fill up dips so the landscape fabric can lay tight and flat across the ground, covering as much area as possible. This will allow you to create a uniform layer over the top of the fabric as well.[6]
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    • Even out the soil with a hand tamper if you're installing a pathway; this will help to stabilize the rocks once you lay them down.
    • Alternatively compact road base or granite can be used to stabilize the area before laying out the fabric.[7]
  5. Fertilize the soil or add compost as needed. If your soil needs any extra care, including compost and fertilizer for plant nutrients, be sure to add that before laying down the landscape fabric. You won't be able to add any once the material is fully installed![8][9]
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    • Do some research and figure out how much is typically healthy for the type of plant you're growing, and mix in as much compost or fertilizer as they need.

[Edit]Laying Out the Landscape Fabric

  1. Choose a landscape fabric that best suits your needs. If the fabric is going under rocks alone, a non-woven cloth is acceptable—it's thicker and doesn't let as much water through, but that works because you have no plants to water. On the other hand, if the fabric is going underneath rocks and plants (in a rock garden, for instance), you'll want to pick a lighter woven landscape fabric, which lets water flow more easily to keep your plants healthy.[10]
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  2. Unroll your fabric across the landscaping area. Start at one end of the garden and lay out the fabric to double-check that it'll cover the whole space before cutting any pieces off the roll. Make sure there are a few inches of extra material around your garden's borders, so you can tuck the fabric later if you lay down edging material.
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    • Read the instructions to learn which side of the fabric should face down—usually the fuzzy side for woven fabric. The weave on that side is designed to help water flow down toward the roots of plants.[11]
  3. Cut the landscape fabric with a utility knife. Remove excess fabric if you're using one piece to cover the area, or cut multiple pieces of fabric from the roll if needed. Make sure that each piece of fabric you cut is a few extra inches wider and longer than the area it needs to cover. This will ensure that the entire area is covered with no gaps or soil exposed.
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    • Wear cut-resistant work gloves to protect yourself.[12]
    • Weigh down the edges of the fabric with a large rock (or several smaller ones) to keep it in place while you cut away excess fabric.
  4. Overlap each piece of fabric by to . If your landscape needs more than one piece of fabric to cover it, ensure every adjoining side overlaps so that no weeds can poke up through the seams. You'll most likely cut multiple pieces if your garden is wider than the roll of fabric or you're covering a path that has curves and corners.[13]
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  5. Cut an "X" into the fabric for any existing plants in the area. Use the utility knife to make your cuts, slicing from the outside towards the center, and be generous with the amount of space you give yourself. Then, gently guide plants through the hole that you've made in the fabric.[14]
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    • Remember to keep an eye on any plants buried under landscape fabric. Even when using material that allows for water flow, your plants may not naturally get enough water.

[Edit]Securing the Fabric and Adding Rocks

  1. Use garden staples to fix the fabric to the ground. Drive the staples into the ground every to along every edge of the fabric, using a hammer or mallet. Also, use staples along seams where two pieces of landscape fabric meet. This allows you to lay the fabric flat and tight against the surface of the soil and make sure it doesn't move as you continue to roll out the fabric.[15][16]
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    • Alternatively you could use nails to secure the fabric to the ground before landscaping.[17]
    • After the fabric is secured, you can plant any flora that isn't already in your garden. Using the same technique as above, cut an "X" into the fabric and plant your flowers inside that space.
    • At this time, install any edging you plan to use if you're laying down fabric for a pathway, and tuck the landscape fabric underneath the edging to stop weeds from growing.
  2. Spread a layer of gravel over the fabric for protection. If you're putting larger rocks over top of this, use a small amount of gravel, so the layer stays thin. However, if your main layer of rocks is gravel, make the layer thicker—roughly to . A layer of gravel serves as padding for the landscape fabric and stops larger rocks you place on top from sinking into the soil.[18]
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  3. Layer rocks over the top of the landscape fabric. Stick to rounded rocks since sharp edges can dig into the fabric and rip it apart in time. You can spread smaller rocks by hand or by using a rake and place large rocks by hand as desired. Once you're done, make sure there are no spots where landscape fabric is visible.
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    • Limit your rock layer to about thick across the entire length of the landscape fabric.[19]


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