Sunday, January 6, 2019

How to of the Day

How to of the Day

How to Drink Whiskey

Posted: 06 Jan 2019 04:00 PM PST

Whiskey is a type of alcoholic beverage distilled from grain mash or malt and aged in wooden barrels. Whiskey drinkers appreciate whiskey for its variety of flavors, which can range from light and fruity to rich and smoky. If you've never tried whiskey before, experiment with different styles, ages, and proofs to discover your favorite. Whether you want to savor your whiskey straight or mix it into a flavorful cocktail, ordering your next whiskey won't be a challenge after you've learned about the different types of whiskey and how best to enjoy each variety.


EditSelecting a Scotch

  1. Choose a Speyside or Highlands scotch if you want a sweeter flavor. Scotch flavors tend to vary a bit depending on the region in Scotland where they were produced. While this is not a hard and fast rule, Speyside and Highlands scotches are generally more fruity and sweet than other types of scotch.[1]
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    • Speyside and the Highlands are both home to large numbers of distilleries, so you can expect quite a bit of variation between bottles. Experiment with different Speysides and Highlands until you find one you like.
  2. Try a Lowlands scotch if you prefer a lighter body. If you like whiskey that feels light and smooth and has a floral or grassy finish, Lowlands scotch is a good choice. These malt whiskeys are known for being gentler than many other types of scotch, and they make excellent aperitifs.[2]
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    • There are only a few operating distilleries in the Lowlands today. The 2 oldest and most famous distilleries currently in business in the region are Auchentoshan and Glenkinchie.
    • Like most scotches, Lowlands whiskeys are single malts, meaning that they are made with malted barley from a single distillery. Malting involves letting the grain germinate in water before fermentation.
    • Most scotches tend to have a milder flavor than other malts because of the special double or triple distillation process they go through. Generally, they have an alcohol content of about 40% (80-proof).[3]
  3. Opt for Islay, Islands, or Campbeltown if you like strong or peaty flavors. These regions are known for producing whiskeys with strong, complex flavors, often with overtones of smoke, peat, and salt. These are good choices if you don't like sweet or floral drinks, but they may be overwhelming for a first-time whiskey drinker.[4]
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    • Islay scotches are known for their strong flavors, which come from the peat fuel that is used during the malting process. Some of the most famous Islay scotches distilleries are Lagavulin, Ardbeg, and Laphroaig. For a somewhat lighter flavor, try a Bruichladdich scotch.[5]
    • Islands scotches are also peaty, but are milder and sweeter than Islay scotches. Try a Tobermory or Highland Park, or choose an Arran bottle for a lighter and fruitier taste.[6]
    • Campbeltown scotches are complex and slightly salty, with peaty notes similar to those found in Islays. The major distilleries are Glen Scotia, Longrow, and Springbank.[7]

EditChoosing a Bourbon

  1. Start with a wheated bourbon for a softer taste. If you're new to drinking bourbon, you may wish to start with a variety that has a high wheat content. The wheat imparts a softer, gentler flavor to the bourbon, which can make it more palatable than some other bourbons to someone who isn't used to whiskey.[8]
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    • Some popular wheated bourbons include Maker's Mark, Old Fitzgerald, and Pappy Van Winkel.
    • These bourbons tend to have notes of caramel, vanilla, and bread.
  2. Try a traditional bourbon if you like sweet whiskey. Traditional bourbons have a relatively high corn content (around 70%) and are made with rye instead of wheat.[9] The corn lends sweetness to the whiskey, while the rye gives it a hint of spice.[10]
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    • Popular traditional bourbons include Knob Creek, Jim Beam, and Wild Turkey.
    • If you really like the sweetness of the corn, try a bourbon with a higher corn content, such as Old Charter (80% corn) or Baby Bourbon from Tuthilltown Spirits (100% corn).[11]
  3. Pick a high rye bourbon for extra spice. Bourbons with a high rye content have bold, spicy flavors. If you enjoy bolder whiskeys, look for a bourbon made with more than 10% rye, such as Old Grand-Dad, Four Roses, or Bulleit.[12]
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    • Four Roses Single Barrel has a rye content of 35%, making it the most rye-heavy bourbon on the market.[13]
    • If you like the spiciness of rye but also enjoy whiskey with a fruity flavor, Bulleit is a good choice.
  4. Experiment with single-barrel bourbons to discover unique flavors. If you're feeling adventurous, try a variety of single-barrel bourbons. As the name suggests, these bourbons are bottled from the products of a single barrel instead of a blend of different barrels. The flavors of these whiskeys are affected by factors such as how long they were aged, the wood from which the barrel was made, and conditions in the warehouse where they were stored.[14]
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    • A few popular single barrel options include Elijah Craig 18-Year-Old, Wild Turkey Kentucky Spirit, and Eagle Rare.
    • Flavors range from woody and smoky to smooth and spicy-sweet.
    • While these bourbons can be quite pricey, "single-barrel" does not always equate to prohibitively expensive. You can get a bottle of Eagle Rare 10 Year Old for around $20 USD.

EditPicking Other Whiskey Varieties

  1. Choose Irish whiskey if you prefer a light body. Irish whiskeys tend to be fruitier and lighter than their American and Scottish cousins, with a less pronounced alcohol burn. Because of their gentler flavor, these are a good starting point if you're new to drinking whiskey.[15]
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    • Irish whiskeys are typically aged in the barrel for at least 3 years, helping them achieve their characteristic smooth finish.
    • Jameson and Bushmills White Label are 2 of the most popular Irish whiskeys. Whiskey connoisseurs also recommend Greenspot, Redbreast 12 Year Old, or Clontarf.
  2. Pick a Canadian whiskey if you want a unique blend. Canadian whiskeys are typically blends, meaning they contain a mixture of grain and malt whiskeys.[16] You may find that many blended whiskeys taste smoother than whiskeys made from a single distillation.[17] In addition to containing blends of grain, Canadian whiskeys can also be made with other ingredients, such as wine or any 2-year-old spirit.[18]
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    • Because of the wide variety of blends and distillation techniques available in Canada, Canadian whiskeys come in a huge range of flavors. For example, you might try a JP Wiser's 18 Year Old if you want a smoky, earthy flavor. If you prefer something fruity, sweet, and soft, Corby's Pike Creek is a good bet.[19]
  3. Try rye whiskey for a bold and spicy flavor. Like bourbon, rye whiskey is an American spirit aged in barrels made from American oak. In order to qualify as a rye, a whiskey must be made with at least 51% rye grain.[20] Rye tends to be more peppery and savory than many whiskeys, so you may want to grab a bottle of rye if you aren't a fan of sweeter spirits.[21]
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    • Popular rye brands include Old Overholt, Wild Turkey, and Bulleit.
  4. Get whiskey that's been aged longer for a smooth finish. If you don't like a strong alcohol burn, look for whiskeys that have had more time to mature. As whiskey ages, the wood from the barrel softens the harshness of the drink.[22] As the wood draws out some of the harsher flavors from the whiskey, it also adds its own distinct flavors to the mix.[23]
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    • Older is not always better. Whiskey that's been aged too long (e.g., 23 versus 15 years) can sometimes soak up too many tannins from the wood, resulting in an unpleasant flavor.
  5. Try a variety of whiskeys in each style. Even within a single type of whiskey, you will encounter a lot of variation. For example, don't just try one kind of Irish whiskey and decide it's not for you—you might prefer another bottle that was aged a little longer or has a higher or lower alcohol content.[24]
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    • If you can, compare cheaper varieties with more expensive ones. You may find that the pricier bottles are not necessarily your favorites!

EditDrinking Whiskey Straight

  1. Pour your whiskey into a glass. Select a small glass tumbler, such as a lowball glass. To really get the most out of the scent and flavor of the whiskey, use a tulip-shaped whiskey glass.[25]
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    • Try to avoid using a plastic or polystyrene cup as you might find that materials other than glass impart their own flavor to the whiskey.
    • For a really old-fashioned experience (and if you don't mind a little metallic flavor), try drinking your whiskey from a tin cup.
    • A little whiskey goes a long way. Start by pouring yourself 1 finger (about 30-50 mL): wrap your index finger around the bottom of the glass and pour up to the height of the top edge of your index finger.
  2. Try the whiskey neat before adding water or ice. Before you add anything else to the whiskey, at least sample a little of it in its pure state. This will not only give you a better idea of the whiskey's flavor and aroma, but will also help you decide whether or not you really want to mix it with anything.[26]
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    • If you enjoy the taste of alcohol, you may prefer drinking your whiskey neat.
  3. Smell the whiskey 2 or 3 times before tasting it. Put your nose in the glass and take a deep huff. You may need to do this a few times to really get a sense of the aroma, since the smell of alcohol may be overpowering on the first sniff. Then you may start to notice other notes, like spices and wood.[27]
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    • Keep your mouth open while you smell the whiskey to enhance both your sense of smell and sense of taste, which will allow you to understand the whiskey better.
  4. Roll the whiskey around in your mouth before swallowing. Don't just gulp the whiskey down. Take a small sip and move it around on your tongue.[28] After you swallow, wait for a moment before taking another sip so that you can appreciate the aftertaste.
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    • You may notice flavors such as caramel, toffee, or vanilla.
    • Some people like to "chew" their whiskey before swallowing it, making sure that it coats the entire tongue and inside of the mouth.[29]
    • Breathing through your nose as you swallow the whiskey can also help you experience the aroma more fully.[30]
    • If you don't like the taste of the whiskey on your first sip, don't give up on it right away. The first sip may taste overwhelmingly like alcohol, but you will probably begin to notice other flavors on your second or third taste. It's an acquired taste, so it takes time to truly appreciate the complex flavors and aromas of whiskey.
  5. Add a splash of water to enhance the flavor. Add a few drops of fresh, clean water to your whiskey and give it a quick stir with a straw. Doing this will dull the harshness of the alcohol and bring out the other, more subtle flavors of the whiskey. Experiment with adding water little-by-little until you achieve the flavor you're looking for.[31]
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  6. Toss in a chunk of ice if you want a refreshing chill. Put a large ice cube or an ice ball in your whiskey if you'd like it extra cold.[32] While some whiskey aficionados turn up their noses at the idea of drinking whiskey on the rocks, there's nothing wrong with adding a little ice if you like. It's your drink, so make it how you like!
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    • Do keep in mind that the ice will dilute the whiskey as it melts. The coldness of the ice can also numb your taste buds a bit, making it harder to pick up on the subtler flavors.
    • Larger pieces of ice will melt more slowly than small ones, so they won't dilute the drink as quickly.
    • Alternatively, you can use chilled whiskey stones, which are soapstone chunks that chill the whiskey without diluting it.
  7. Take your time finishing your drink. Since part of the appeal of whiskey is its flavor, you'll probably get the most out of it if you sip it slowly instead of slamming it back like a shot. Give yourself 30 to 60 minutes to slowly finish your whiskey.[33]
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    • If you like shooting whiskey, that's fine, too! Experiment with savoring your whiskey slowly or knocking it back in one gulp, and see which you prefer.[34]

EditTrying Whiskey Cocktails

  1. Try a classic Old Fashioned if you want a sweet and simple cocktail. This is the granddaddy of whiskey cocktails. Depending on your tastes, you can use a variety of whiskeys for the drink, from sweeter bourbons (the traditional choice) to more subtle and spicy rye whiskeys. To make an Old Fashioned:[35]
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    • Muddle a sugar cube and 3 dashes of bitters in the bottom of a rocks glass.
    • Pour in 1 shot of whiskey and some ice, then stir until the ice begins to melt.
    • Add another shot of whiskey.
    • Garnish the drink with a cherry or an orange twist.
  2. Mix up a cool Mint Julep for something light and refreshing. This classic Kentucky cocktail is made with sweet bourbon. The better the bourbon, the better the drink. You should always use fresh mint and muddle the mint (lightly smash it with the sugar cube) at the bottom of the glass before adding the bourbon. Mix of bourbon with a sugar cube and a handful of crushed ice along with the muddled mint.
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    • For a deliciously frosty glass, use a tall glass or silver beaker that is pre-chilled. Use a napkin or doily so that you don't ruin the frost by touching it with your bare hands.[36]
  3. Give a Manhattan a try if you enjoy a sweet and slightly bitter taste. Manhattans are a little bitter for some people, but others swear by the sweet/bitter combo. Like the Old Fashioned, you can adjust the whiskey you use for a better cocktail -- rye for something stronger, bourbon for something sweeter. To make a Manhattan, pour the following into a mixer with ice, then pour the liquid into a glass:
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    • of whiskey
    • of sweet vermouth
    • 1 to 2 dashes of bitters, such as Angostura
    • A small length of orange peel
    • This type of cocktail made with Scotch and orange bitters instead of rye and aromatic bitters is called a Rob Roy.[37]
  4. Have a whiskey sour if you prefer your cocktails tart and fruity. This simple, easy drink doesn't call for much, but adds a nice sour punch to your drink that goes down easily. To make one, simply shake the following together in a mixer with plenty of ice:
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    • of whiskey
    • of fresh-squeezed lemon juice or a packet of sours
    • 1 teaspoon (about 4 grams) of sugar
    • A Boston Sour adds in 1 egg white as well for a frothy, more substantial drink.
  5. Warm up with a sweet and spicy Hot Toddy. A Hot Toddy is a warm drink brewed with whiskey and spices. This is a wonderfully comforting drink on a cold, rainy day. Typically, it is made with Irish whiskey. To make a Hot Toddy, pour your whiskey into a glass, then heat up the following ingredients and pour them over the whiskey once the mixture is simmering:
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    • of water
    • 3 cloves
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • piece of ginger, peeled and sliced (optional)
    • 1 strip of lemon peel
    • of whiskey
    • of honey (adjustable to your sweetness preferences)
    • of lemon juice
    • A dash of nutmeg[38]


  • While some serious drinkers may have strong opinions on the best way to drink whiskey, there really are no hard and fast rules. If you love whiskey on the rocks or like it best in a fruity cocktail, don't let the naysayers tell you otherwise. Enjoy your drink the way you like it!
  • Think about pairing foods with your whiskey. Light, sweet whiskeys, such as Dalwhinnie or Glenkinchie, work well with sushi and salmon, as well as goat cheeses and cream cheeses. Medium-bodied whiskeys, such as Bruichladdich, taste great with smoked fish or duck and venison. Full-bodied whiskeys like The Macallan pair well with seared or grilled steak and pork, as well as dessert items such as chocolate and gingerbread.
  • By law, bottled whiskey has to be at least 40% alcohol by volume (80 proof), with most whiskeys ranging between 40% and 60% ABV.[39] To figure out the ABV of a whiskey, divide the proof in half.


  • Always enjoy whiskey responsibly. Don't drink and drive, and try to limit yourself to no more than 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks a day. (When it comes to whiskey, 1 drink is about .)[40]
  • Keep in mind that even at its lowest ABV, whiskey has a high alcohol content compared to many other drinks. Beer has an average ABV of around 4.5%, while the average for wine is 11.6%.[41]

EditRelated wikiHows

EditSources and Citations


EditQuick Summary

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How to Clean a Fuel Pump

Posted: 06 Jan 2019 08:00 AM PST

Most modern vehicles use sealed, filter-less pumps with screens at the pickup and a filter along the fuel line. These pumps are designed not to need maintenance and will need to be replaced if they fail. If your vehicle has an electric fuel pump, you can use a fuel system cleaner to clear any sediment buildup or blockage. If you have a manual one (usually found in older model vehicles), you can actually open the pump to clear debris out of its internal filter, though that isn't an option in most modern vehicles.


EditSpotting the Signs of a Clogged Fuel Pump

  1. Watch out for engine "sputtering" or stalling. The most common symptom of a clogged fuel pump is an intermittent power loss caused by the pump failing to push enough fuel to the injectors to keep the engine running properly. If your engine sputters or even stalls when you take your foot off of the gas, there may be an issue with your fuel pump or filter.[1]
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    • If the engine stalls, but then will run again after a few minutes, it's likely because of sediment building up in the fuel filter or pump. As the sediment settles, the blockage clears and that fuel will begin to flow until it builds up again.
    • You should also consider replacing your fuel filter.
  2. Listen for a clicking or whining from the pump when the car idles. A clog in the fuel pump will force it to work harder to push the fuel, which can make it burn out. If you hear a clicking or whining noise from the area around the gas tank (rear of the car), chances are it's the electric motor in the fuel pump beginning to fail.[2]
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    • Cleaning the pump and replacing the filter may solve this problem if you catch it early, but if you allow it to continue for too long, it will burn out the fuel pump and it will stop functioning.
    • It's not uncommon for the pump to click once when you turn the key, but it should not keep clicking after that.
  3. Look for a drop in RPMs as you drive. If you're traveling down the road at a consistent speed and the vehicle abruptly slows down or the RPMs drop significantly on your tachometer (when equipped), it may be a sign that the fuel pump is struggling to deliver enough fuel to the engine. RPMs are the number of revolutions your engine makes per minute, so a drop in RPMs represents a drop in how quickly your engine is spinning and the power it can produce.[3]
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    • Look for warning lights on your dashboard that may indicate other potential issues to explain the power loss. A battery light, for instance, might suggest an electrical issue, or a flashing check engine light indicates that the engine is misfiring.
    • In the absence of those indicators, sudden (temporary) power loss is a good sign that there's a problem with your fuel pump.
  4. Consider if you often run the vehicle with low fuel. Gasoline tends to be awfully dirty and that sediment collects in your fuel tank. With a full tank of gas, the dirt in your tank is dispersed through a greater volume of fluid, but when there isn't much fuel in the tank, the sediment makes up a larger portion of the fuel. Imagine a fish tank: when full, the gravel at the bottom is just a small part of what's inside, but when the tank is almost empty, the gravel and little water that's left occupy the same space.[4]
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    • If you regularly drive with low fuel, there's a higher likelihood that your fuel pump and filters are getting clogged.
    • Use this determination along with the other symptoms listed above to determine if there's an issue with your fuel pump.

EditUsing a Fuel System Cleaner

  1. Read the instructions on the bottle. While most fuel system cleaners work in roughly the same ways, there are differences from brand to brand. Read the instructions on the fuel system cleaner you purchase thoroughly to ensure you follow the right steps.[5]
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    • You can purchase fuel system cleaner at many large retail stores as well as all auto parts stores.
    • Purchase fuel system cleaner, not injector cleaner. These products are similar but serve different purposes.[6]
  2. Run the engine until you're nearly out of fuel. Most fuel system cleaners are meant to be poured into an empty fuel tank so it can mix with the fuel you add to it after. Run your engine until the fuel gauge reads as empty or "E."[7]
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    • The tank doesn't need to be completely empty and free of fuel. It just needs to be as low as possible.
  3. Pour the contents of the fuel system cleaner into your gas tank. Open the bottle and puncture the plastic seal beneath the lid. Then insert the spout of the fuel system cleaner into the gas filler neck of your vehicle just like you normally would with a gas pump.[8]
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    • Most fuel system cleaners come with enough for one treatment. If yours comes with more than that, read the instructions to determine how much of the bottle to add to your tank.
    • Gloves aren't necessary for this task, but you may want to wear them to keep any fuel system cleaner from getting on your hands.
    • If you get any of the fuel system cleaner on your hands, wash them with soap and water.
  4. Fill your tank with pump gas. The new gas you pump into the fuel tank will mix with the fuel cleaner already present. This will ensure the cleaner is properly dispersed throughout the fuel and will also help the pump to begin picking up fuel with the cleaner in it right away.[9]
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    • Fill the tank all the way with new gas.
    • Use the same octane fuel you always use.
  5. Start the engine and let it idle for a few minutes. The fuel system cleaner will flow through the fuel pump and filter on its way to the engine where it will burn along with the gas. As it passes through, it will begin to break down deposits of sediment in your fuel pump and throughout the rest of the system.[10]
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    • Many fuel cleaners recommend letting the engine idle for ten or fifteen minutes to start letting the fuel and cleaner flow through the system before you start driving the car again.
    • After that initial stage, you can drive the vehicle like normal as it cleans your fuel system.

EditCleaning Mechanical Fuel Pump Filters

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal on the battery. Locate the battery in the vehicle's engine bay or trunk. It will look like a black box with two posts sticking out of it. Locate the positive (+) and negative (-) terminal posts and use the correct sized wrench to loosen the nut holding the cable to the negative post. Then slide the cable off.[11]
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    • The terminals will be labeled with positive (+) and a negative (-) symbols.
    • Disconnecting the battery is especially important when working with fuel to ensure nothing within the vehicle can produce a spark.
    • Tuck the negative cable to the side of the battery to ensure it doesn't come into contact with the terminal by accident.
  2. Locate the fuel pump. Mechanical fuel pumps are usually found on the engine, rather than in the fuel tank, because they rely on the crankshaft to power them. Refer to an application specific repair or service manual to help you identify and locate the mechanical fuel pump in your particular vehicle, as they can vary widely in appearance and location.[12]
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    • Most mechanical fuel pumps will have a portion that looks like a metal circle with a nozzle coming out of the top or bottom.
    • Mechanical fuel pumps are usually only found in older vehicles.
  3. Place a container beneath the vehicle to catch any leaking fuel. Depending on how the fuel pump is mounted, there's a high likelihood that you'll spill at least some fuel in this process. Slide a container beneath the vehicle directly under the fuel pump you'll be working on to catch any fuel spillages as you work.[13]
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    • Make sure the container you use is rated for fuel. Gasoline can melt through some types of plastic.
    • Containers rated to hold gasoline will be labeled as such. If your container is not labeled, do not assume it can hold gasoline.
  4. Remove any fuel lines only if they're in the way. There will be two fuel lines on the pump (an in and an out). If possible, leave them in place as you open the fuel pump, but if you have to remove one or both to access the internal filter on your specific vehicle, do so by either unscrewing the lines or by loosening the hose clamps that are holding them securely on their nozzles. Once the clamps are loose, just pull the line backward off of the nozzle.[14]
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    • Make sure any fuel draining from the line falls into the container you slid beneath the car.
    • If you have zip ties, you can zip tie the lines with the opening facing up to prevent any more fuel from pouring out. You'll need to break or cut the zip ties when reconnecting the lines.
  5. Remove the central screw or nut from the top of the fuel pump housing. There will be a nut or a bolt sticking out of the top of the mechanical fuel pump that holds the cover over the fuel filter. Find it and then use the correct sized wrench to remove it so you can access the filter inside.[15]
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    • In some pumps, there may be a cylindrical filter housing on the top that you can unscrew by hand, instead of a bolt or nut.
    • Others may use pipe clips to hold the cover in place. Loosen the screws securing them or pull them off with pliers, depending on the type of clip.
  6. Clean the filter with a brush without removing it. Look into the fuel pump to see the filter, which will look like a screen. Don't try to remove the filter, but instead use a clean paint brush to sweep away any debris blocking the filter. You can dip the paint brush in new gasoline to make it easier for the debris to stick to the bristles of the brush.[16]
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    • Use a medium sized paint brush to remove large and small bits of debris. The brush should be no wider than the body of the fuel pump.
    • Many internal fuel filters for these pumps cannot be removed.
    • In some vehicles, however, you can remove the filter and replace it if need be. Refer to a vehicle specific repair manual to help you determine if that's the case for your car or truck.
  7. Reassemble the fuel pump. Put the cover back on the fuel pump and then secure it in place using the bolt or nut you removed before. Reconnect any fuel lines that you disconnected and use hose clamps to make sure they're tight.[17]
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    • You can purchase replacement hose clamps at your local auto parts store if you need them.
    • Most hose clamps can be tightened with either a Phillips head screwdriver or a small wrench.

EditThings You'll Need

  • Fuel system cleaner
  • Open ended or Socket Wrenches
  • Container to catch fuel


  • Working with fuel can be extremely dangerous. Keep sparks and open flames away from your work area until all fuel has been cleaned up.
  • Wear eye protection and gloves whenever coming into contact with fuel.
  • Only use containers that are rated to hold fuel and make sure to label them appropriately.

EditSources and Citations

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How to Repair Damaged Hair

Posted: 06 Jan 2019 12:00 AM PST

Is your hair dry and dull? Do you have split ends and frizz? Hair is damaged easily, and it takes time to repair it. The good news is, there are several easy techniques you can use to restore the health of your hair and keep it looking great.


EditRescuing Damaged Hair

  1. Trim split ends. The best way to deal with split ends is to trim them off. Despite product claims about fixing split ends, they can only be removed, not repaired. Cutting your hair will immediately make it look fresher and restore its body. Aim to get a trim every 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the length, texture, and style of your hair.[1]
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    • Ensure your stylist is using extra sharp scissors. Ask them to cut into a wet tissue and inspect the cut—if you see torn tissue fibers, find another stylist.
    • Cut off as much as you dare. Hair is more damaged at the ends due to increased exposure to heat, chlorine, and so on.
    • Ask the stylist not to blow dry your hair or use any heat-styling tools as these will further damage unhealthy hair.
  2. Be gentle with wet hair. Hair is most susceptible to damage when it's wet. Avoid vigorously scrubbing your hair in the shower or rubbing it with a towel to soak up excess moisture. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair starting at the ends and working up towards the roots. You can do this when it's wet, but make sure to apply a detangling product first.[2]
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  3. Stop using heat-styling tools. Heat can make your hair look dull and damaged, so it's best to avoid using heat-styling tools as much as possible. Let your hair air dry and style it with heat-free techniques, like rollers or hair wrapping.[3]
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    • Only use blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons after applying a heat-protectant product to your tresses. Keep the tools on a low setting to further protect your hair, rather than cranking up the heat as high as it will go.
    • Ionic, ceramic heat-styling tools infused with keratin and argan oils are your best bet for limiting heat damage.
  4. Avoid dyeing and processing your hair. Bleaching the color from your hair, then adding chemicals to dye it another color is extremely damaging. Bleaching or dyeing hair can lead to hair breakage, hair loss, and bald patches. Permanent curling or straightening processes are also damaging and should be avoided.[4]
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EditUsing Restorative Products

  1. Opt for sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. Hair care products made with sulfates can irritate the skin on your scalp, dry out your tresses, cause frizzy hair, and fade color-treated hair. Avoid shampoos and conditioner made with sodium lauryl or laureth sulfates. These industrial cleaning agents strip hair of its natural protective oils.[5]
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    • When you begin using sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner, your hair may look slightly oily because your body has grown used to overproducing the oils necessary to maintain healthy hair. Ride it out. It should only take a few weeks for your scalp to regulate its production of oil.
  2. Use natural styling products. Most hair sprays, gels, mousses and other commercial styling products contain chemicals that can damage your hair. Avoid these and instead pick products with the fewest amount of ingredients possible. Opt for products that contain natural ingredients, like rosemary, seaweed, honey, olive oil, and avocado oil.[6]
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  3. Treat your hair with oil. No matter what your hair type, oil can help restore moisture and keep your locks shiny and smooth. You can use coconut, olive, castor, argan, almond, or egg oil. Simply massage the oil into your hair, let it sit for 15 minutes, then rinse it out with lukewarm water.[7]
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    • Place a shower cap over your oiled tresses to minimize the mess.
    • You can even sit under a hooded dryer or direct the heat from a blow dryer at your hair to increase the effectiveness of an oil treatment.

EditPracticing Long-Term Maintenance

  1. Wash your hair only 2-3 times per week. Washing your hair every day dries it out, since it doesn't give your scalp the chance to produce the oils your hair needs to stay healthy. Shampooing less frequently can help repair damaged hair.[8]
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    • Simply rinse your hair in the shower rather than washing it daily.
    • Apply dry shampoo to your roots to absorb excess oil between washes.
  2. Rinse your hair with lukewarm or cool water. Hot water damages hair, but cool or cold water closes the cuticle and helps the hair shafts to lie flat. Rinsing out your shampoo and conditioner with cold water will give your hair a shiny, glossy appearance.[9]
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  3. Wear a swim cap in the pool. Chlorine causes damage that builds up over time. Always wear a cap when you go swimming to protect your tresses, especially if your hair is color treated.[10]
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    • If you go swimming without a cap, make sure to wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo afterwards.
    • Don't sit in the sun after swimming without a cap, because the sun's rays will compound the damage done by chlorine. Wash it out before you sunbathe.
  4. Eat healthy foods to strengthen your hair. Like other parts of your body, your hair is affected by what you eat and drink. Get plenty of water, vitamins, and essential nutrients. Aim to eat a healthy diet containing protein, iron, and biotin.[11]
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    • Omega-3 fatty acids are good for hair and skin. Eat salmon, walnuts, flax seeds, and other sources of this beneficial fatty acid.
    • Eating spinach, kale, carrots, and avocados can also improve the health of your hair.


  • Hats and scarves protect your hair from the sun and air pollution and keep you looking chic between shampoos.

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